Library Mission Statement
The mission of the Robinson Township Library shall be to direct and maintain a public library in Robinson Township, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. The library shall acquire, organize and provide access to information, resources, and services that help the community residents to accomplish their lifelong personal, educational, cultural, vocational, recreational and professional education needs.
Library Staff
Sharon is enthusiastic about planning new programs at RTL for all ages! Her door is always open for any suggestions from the community.
Favorite Book:
Pride and Prejudice
by Jane Austen
Favorite Hobbies:
(Other than reading of course)
Cross-Stitch, Knitting, and Crochet
Lexi Mace
Assistant Youth Services Librarian

Mariellen Frantz
Adult Services Librarian

Favorite Children's Book:
Peter Rabbit
by Beatrix Potter
Library Assistant

Favorite Band:
Trans-Siberian Orchestra
Circulation Clerk

Favorite Quote:
"When in doubt, go to the library"
- Hermione Granger
(Harry Potter)
Circulation Clerk

Favorite Author:
William Kent Krueger
Circulation Clerk

Favorite TV Show:
Circulation Clerk

Favorite Past Time:
Watching Hallmark Christmas movies
all year long
Circulation Clerk

Favorite Quote:
“It takes ten times longer to put yourself back together than it does to fall apart."
- Finnick Odair